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The Archons & Reptilians


The Order Of Gnostisism

(This section is part of: The Cult And It's Inner Core)

When I was writing:  The Cult And It's Inner Core, I had to stop at some point as it got way to long!! Therefore I made a new page with some Gnostic explanation and more about the non-human fore behind the Cult that I described earlier. Pleace take to notice that this website is not meant to 'convince you'. In the Gnostic way of thinking it is up to self what is accepted and what not. The website is purely for self expression and to build back the acient history that the Cult is so desperately destroying. 

In part 1, I describe that Archons are decievers.

They manipulate the human mind.

The Archons Decieve Perception:

  • They are a alien force that intrudes subliminally upon the human mind and deviates our intelligence away from its proper and sane applications. They make us play out inhumane behavior to weird and violent extremes.

  • Archons invert everything that is life. Evil is life spelled backwards. Life is inverted to be full of hate, anger, war and conflict. Exactly the opposite of what love stands for!

  • Archons are psychotic, narcissistic and prone to lying.

  • Archons are interdimentional inorganic beings, who reign and rule matter. This makes them look godlike to humans, but they are incomplete entities, since they lack human consciousness and experience. They don’t come from any civilization.

  • Archons cannot create out of nothing and can only 'mimic' or 'repeat' what they see and have no imagination.

  • Archons are very good in creating simulations and deceptions.

  • Archons are described als reptilian looking creatures or the 'greys'.

  • The first Archon, who created all others, is called Yaldabaoth (Satan). This “reptilian” leader is aggressive, territorial, and charged with demonic powers.

  • The Archons wish to keep mankind under "the constraint of fear and worry", because they feed from it. Negative emotional energy gives them room to operate. They are psychic parasites capable to mind control on many levels. But they are, and have been without humans, and don’t need us for their survival. The Archons can’t inhabit earth, which is hostile to them. Archons are caught in a delusion they created humans. They have no soul, only a hive like common mind.

  • Gnostic texts describe two kinds of Archons, - hence, the Greys of modern UFO lore - and a reptilian shape shifting type.

Do you ever wake up in the morning angry over nothing? You don’t have any good reason to be angry, but you still wake up in a bad mood. And this happens every morning? Do you get angry with the way your breakfast is prepared or served? Do you get angry with other drivers on the road, or the way someone looks at you while you’re getting on the subway or the bus to work? During the day, do you get angry with your boss and co-workers? Are you full of hate for people you don't even know? Or you hate your neighbours? It seems like the anger and rage inside you is just growing and growing. And then, in the evening, you watch the news and become even more infuriated. Why? That are the Archons. Or Alien Parasites, as I call them. Are you jealous and out of control? Are you ashamed of yourself and full of guilt? Maybe you walk around all day sad and depressed? Do you suffer from overwhelming depression, anxiety, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts? Are you experiencing powerful negative emotions and images that you don’t normally have? Do you feel that this anger, jalously, depression and hate are not your own thoughts? Why? Archons!!! These beings literally feed off your negative energy: anger, guilt, jealousy, hate depression, frustration, sadness, anxiety and fear; for these intense and often harmful emotions are food for these evil creatures.

Many of you have felt or intuited that these Archons (Alien Parasites) exist. Many of you have felt that most of humanity lives in slavery. Some of you may be aware, through reading various books or through direct experience, that a parasite lives inside your mind.  It is trie, Alien Parasites do exist.

A lot of people don’t know they have Alien Parasites. Alien Parasites project their thoughts into human beings, live virtually in the skull (in some cases other parts of the body) and treat people as transport vehicles as they themselves are not physically allowed on Planet Earth. Alien Parasites attack the human mind by “Implantation of Ideas”. Then, they insert into the human host various unbalanced and strange thoughts. The Archons make their victims (usually referred to as “hosts”) think the whole world is real and that it's reality is dark and doomed, keeping people in a constant state of survival. While it's all but real but a simulation. People finally become nothing more than empty shells, the walking dead, in service to these Archons. 


Alien Parasites have been attacking humanity since humans first walked on this Planet and It is almost impossible for a person with an advanced condition of alien parasitic intrusion to recognize that they are under the control of the parasite. However, if your case is not too advanced, here are several ways you can realize that your mind has been invaded by an Alien Parasite: feelings of insignificance, meaninglessness, lack of emotion, indifference, feelings of dissociation, overwhelmed with irrational fears, passionate hatred of people from another country, race, religion or culture, desire to kill or “see killed” people from another nation and so on, feeling that you are going crazy, feeling self-righteous, unable to control your tongue and finding yourself saying horrible things to people. Examples of severe alien attack: the belief that you are a rock or an inanimate object, that your pet is controlling you, that a famous pop singer or Hollywood star is in love with you, the belief that God is punishing you for your “sins” by (for example) causing your boyfriend to die in a car accident, or the belief that the news anchor is speaking directly to you from television.


They begin by invading the minds of individuals in government, military, medicine, finance, media, education, academia, secret societies and religion. They give these individuals what is essentially a computer virus. From these foxholes, they launch their spiritual warfare against the general population and against specific individuals. Often people who are reading about Alien Parasites do not want to understand how they can invade the Earth when they are not even allowed to physically be present on the planet.

individuals who study science know that through quantum entanglement it is possible to send “entangled” encryption keys from a satellite to an Earthbased receiving station. The NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) is an international network of antennas that provide the communication links between the scientists and engineers on Earth to the Mars Exploration Rovers during their flights in space and while they are on Mars. Astronauts regularly beam their voices and images into the headsets and screens of their mission handlers who are here on Earth. Finally, the Frey Effect enables scientists to send speech directly inside the human head without any kind of radio receiver implanted inside the person. In the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, United States Army scientists, using “voice modulated microwaves” were able to demonstrate that they could project words directly to a specific person’s brain. Without getting overly technical, it is easy to see how Alien Parasites can project themselves into the mind of specific human beings.

Alien Parasites are what the Gnostics call “Archons.” (which means ruler in Greek. We see them in governments, agencies, corporations, technocrats, politicians etc.) They cause delusions in people’s thinking because they convince people to believe things that are not true. A delusional person has false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions. A delusional person is someone who has a belief that is held with an extremely strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. The delusional person (Those who blindy accept the news as true without investigation, questioning) refuses to listen and consider the opposite opinion (that of the government) The mature and wise individual always is willing to listen to an opposing opinion, and actually is eager to hear the opposing point of view, in order to make sure his or her theories and beliefs can withstand all opposing ideas and to revise his or her ideas if necessary. Gnostics call these Archons “parasites” because they, in essence, live inside the minds of human beings. They steal psychic and life energy from human beings as they slowly devour their hosts. They’re aliens because they’re not indigenous to this planet. Archons come from another dimension and existed before there were human beings on this planet. Alien Parasites serve people lies and install false realities while they are feeding off these people. Creating a dark atmosphere where violence, war, terror, hate and anger are the 'new normal'.


We live in a virtual holographic universe, a virtual simulation game (which I explain more in a next blog)

You can and do believe in reality simulations generated by your own mind, while in a state of sleep and when in a dream the dream can feel so incredible real!! This leads to the inescapable conclusion, that you are vulnerable to other types of reality simulations. Of course, everything you experience – everything, whether you call it normal waking consciousness, deep sleep, meditation, or drug-induced perceptions – is real. However, some realities lack an integral congruence; they lack an alignment with the attributes of the nature of the Absolute. When people say, “Something smells rotten,” they are intuitively referring to the fact that something is not in harmony with the truth or it is synthetic (lacking in authenticity).


The Archons are also said to be aliens because for those with clairvoyant sight, Archons physically resemble many of the popular images the public has of extraterrestrials: small bodies, large heads, enormously large eyes; sometimes appearing fishlike or reptilian. In the Gnostic text on the Origin of the World it is affirmed that the Archons are like an aborted fetus since they do not have spirit. 

They are like 'Alien Beings'

Jay Weidner, famous filmmaker, author and scholar, on Rense Radio stated the following about the Archons: 


"Gnostics preached that there was an invasion that occurred about 3,600 BC and, about 1,600 years before the Nag Hammadi texts were buried, they wrote that this invasion was like a virus and, in fact, they were hard pressed to describe it. The beings that were invading were called Archons. These Archons had the ability to duplicate reality, a simulation, to fool us. They were jealous of us because we have an essence of some kind, a soul, imagination, fantasy, love, that they don’t possess and the Nag Hammadi texts describe the Archons. One looks like a reptile and the other looks like an unformed baby or a fetus. It is partially living and partially non-living and has grey skin and dark, unmoving eyes. The Archons are duplicating reality so that when we buy into it, when we come to believe that the duplicated, false state reality is the real reality – then they become the victors."

There are millions of alien races and many of them help humanity on a regular basis. However, there is a group of aliens (the Archons) who are invading this planet, not through direct military force, but through an invasion of the human mind. They are aliens, make no mistake. However, they are not physically allowed on Planet Earth.

Gaia And The Seven Archons

THE SEVEN ARCHONS: Yaldabaoth (Saturn = Satan), Iao (Jupiter), Sabaoth (Mars), Astaphaios (Venus), Adonaios (Sun), Elaios (Mercury) (Sophia stands for Mother Earth, Gaia) Horaios (Moon) each with unique powers

Beneficial aliens also function through consciousness, since your battle with the Alien Parasites is a battle in your consciousness (holographic simulation). Virtuous alien races are actively helping you in this war. The Archons use “mind control” techniques. This is known as psychological warfare, but Archontic manipulation far surpasses anything the United States, Russia, Vatican City, Israel, or the United Kingdom has, of yet, invented. The Archons are the ultimate brainwashers. The Archons keep people distracted with pornography and drugs, with sports and alcohol, with material possessions, exotic vacations, artificial reality, addiction to various pleasures, along with dreams of the artificial technological paradise of: radical life-extension, transhumanism, nootropics and Brain Computer Interfaces. The Archons do this so that humanity does not have the time or opportunity to observe what is really happening in the world. Humanity is under siege. The Archons want you to be as uneducated and uninformed as possible. They destroy your passion for learning, and infiltrate and sabotage the educational system. Ultimately, they want to destroy all that makes you human, your hopes, your dreams, your joys, especially they want to destroy your spirituality. The Archons don’t want you to be concerned about other people; they want you to obsess over your physical appearance and your bank account. 


Make no mistake, you’re in a battle with beings that want to destroy every last shred of your humanity. Through carefully reading the description that follows, you will begin to understand exactly who the enemy is, who your allies are and how Alien Parasites enter a person’s body. 


Sophia means: Planet Earth, Mother Nature and Gaia and is named several times in the books of Nag Hammadi (the books that contain uncencored Gnostic writings and that survived the destruction of the Catholic Church aka the Cult) resides in all of humanity as the hidden wisdom, and She is human kind’s secret identity. Sophia is the highest ruler over the visible universe and at the same time, the mediator between the upper and lower kingdoms. She is the Mother of the Living. She is the “Unveiler of the Mysteries of the Whole Magnitude.” Sophia is an artist, making this visible underworld an image of the glorious Archetype. In the Gnostic book Trimorphic Protennoia found in the Nag Hammadi Library, you will discover these amazing words from Sophia:


“It is through me that Gnosis comes forth. I dwell in the ineffable and unknowable ones. I am perception and knowledge, uttering a Voice by means of thought. I am the real Voice. I cry out in everyone, and they recognize the voice, since a seed dwells in them.”

When Sophia became one with her Creation, this was more than a simple unification, she became the physical planet along with the very beings who inhabit it. Planet Earth is a materialization of Sophia’s body. The energy involved was enormous as it flowed directly from the Galactic Center! When the electromagnetic flow of Sophia’s intention approached specific types of metaloids, fermions, subatomic particles, and ions, this contact formed creatures similar to cyborgs; insectoid creatures, called Qlifot (fragments of broken vessels) in the Lurian Kabbalah, or the Archons in Gnosticism. The Archons feed off of the dark emotions of human beings. They are energy vampires. Archons live mainly in Saturn’s Rings.


Rome was known by the “Romans” as Saturnia, not as Rome; Saturn was one of the Roman gods. However, the Archons do not respect the limits of their living space, nor do they respect the limits of the purposes for which they were created. Therefore, they meddle with human beings, inserting deviant thoughts into their minds. They are influence peddlers, a type of non-physical implant, a foreign installation in the brain, from which they launch their mind-control system. They cannot physically enter the Planet Earth because the core of this Planet is now the abode of Sophia re-united with her consort, the Christos. When the Christos saw the distress of Sophia, He traveled from the Pleroma to help awaken Sophia from her nightmare and to help her in her struggle against the mechanical robotic imitations of humanity. While the Archons cannot physically touchdown on Planet Earth, they can project their thoughts telepathically and their images holographically. They are experts in creating simulations of all kinds, inverting and distorting your perception and in this way, they create an Archontic Inversion. Archons are deceivers par excellence. They live in hive-like structures. They are more like robots than living beings, as they lack intentionality and imagination. In other words, they follow orders like an army of automatons. Therefore, Archons manipulate people to create situations that are ideal for creating sources of food for themselves, situations such as war, terrorism, child sexual abuse, political confrontations, drug addiction, high taxation, low wages, the cult of the self, the dehumanization of the human, de-socialization, the immorality of the super-rich and so forth.

Kabbalah = Kaab-Allah: Saturn - The Black Sun Worship. People worship Saturn without knowing, all over the world.

The “Son of Chaos”. Satan, often called; the Demiurge, is the presumed “almighty” god of the Archons, who creates nothing - only copies of archetypal patterns in the Pleroma (but without the divine spark). Yaldabaoth is another name of the Demiurge. 


The Gnostic book entitled The Apocryphon of John states the following about the Demiurge: Now the archon who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaldabaoth, the second is Saklas and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him, for he said,


‘I am God and there is no other God beside me.’


There is a true God beyond the “god” of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This “god” (who is the god of most of the world religions) in reality is the Demiurge, who insanely thinks he is the one true god. Most Gnostics teach that Yahweh (also known as Jehovah) of the Old Testament is none other than the Demiurge. The Gnostics gradually reached this conclusion by studying the writings of the Old Testament which demonstrates that Yahweh is a violent, jealous, mass murderer, a cruel and ruthless deity who indiscriminately orders the execution of innocent men, women and children or directly carries out their deaths by various means. Here are three examples:


'Yahweh is a man of war. Yahweh is his name.'

Exodus 15:3


'I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. I am Yahweh, who does all these things.'

Isaiah 45:7


'For Yahweh your God is a devouring fire, a God of jalousy'.  

Deuteronomy 4:24

The Demiurge has his henchmen: called Archons, who insert strange thoughts into people’s minds. The Demiurge wants total control of the Earth’s planetary destiny and is the greatest threat to humanity.



All secrets are in Saturn

the Demiurge has made his home on Planet Saturn. Saturn is Satan an is being worshipped all over te world. The pyramid, the All Seeying Eye, The Black Box that is worshipped in Mekka, the two squares where the Twin Towers once stood and loads of other logo's and secret socities worship Saturn.

The Gnostic has always been free to express his or her Gnosis in the manner he or she wishes. The Gnostics of the Nag Hammadi Library perhaps could be considered free thought, free spirited seekers of Gnosis, who rejected authority and dogma. Thus, as the Christos regularly taught through parable, so too the Gnostic adepts taught through story and myth. 



The kingdom is inside of you, and outside of you


Was written in the Gospel of Thomas. What he was referring to is the fact that there are two worlds: the true glory of Sophia (the original Planet Earth, Gaia) and the false world of the Demiurge (Archontic Reality) The false world of the Demiurge seems the same as the world of Sophia, except that it is, to use a metaphor, colorless. The world of the Demiurge is the world as it seems to people obsessed with material possessions, attracted by the desire to control the realm of the Goddess Sophia, people who prefer the artificial to the authentic, people in the clutches of delusional poisonous drugs, people with addictions to other people and alcohol, as well as food, spending, pornography, gambling, angry people who are fixated with politics and financial issues; people who are full of illusory worries about possible future events rather than living in the authentic present now, people who see the world through the eyes of the media and people who are completely isolated from themselves emotionally. These people never “see” and never “hear” the real world around and within them. They live in the false duplicate reality of the Earth manufactured by Yaldabaoth and portrait this fails reality as 'real'. Society lives in a false reality, it is under mas hypnoses. This facsimile is an illusory world; A poor and fragile copy of the real world.


In short, Yaldabaoth’s (Archontic) world is a world without love. This false Earth is a cold, frightful, violent, two-dimensional world. This is the Matrix. When a person open his or her heart to love, he or she is instantly transported to the Real Earth. Suddenly, Sophia’s world unfolds before us, a world of color, depth, joy and deep meaning. During an interview with the cutting-edge Belgian website Karmapolis, John Lamb Lash offered the following insightful words of wisdom:


'The Archons influence the way you perceive the world, not the world itself. The primary power in the world we inhabit is the indwelling divinity of the planet, the Gaian intelligence, called Sophia by the Gnostics. If you are aligned to the Gaian intelligence, you do not see the world as a place of fear and predation, but of beauty, bounty and magic. It is important to note that the imitation of Yaldabaoth’s Earth is a thought in his mind. Yaldabaoth’s Earth is not real. The point for the reader to remember is that when a person feels and thinks that the world, in which he or she is living, is a horrible and loveless place, he or she has entered Yaldabaoth’s mind.'

The only “reality” they know is Yaldabaoth’s (Archontic) false invention. His methods of getting people into his artificial world are very attractive. He tells people that if they spend a lot of time listening and reading the daily news, getting involved in political parties and feeling indignant about the problems of the world, that somehow, they will change the world and make it a better world. The Demiurge always wants people to worry about the future. He doesn’t want people to live in the present, in the now. He wants you to always be unhappy with the present and always thinking about the future. He wants you to complain constantly and feel dissatisfied. The Demiurge wants you to concentrate on what’s wrong with people and things. He tells you that’s the smart way to live your life. However, the way to change the world is through first loving the One Supreme Reality, secondly, loving yourself and thirdly, loving the people closest to you: your family, your neighbors and the people you work with every day.

Reptile Worship In Acient History

In every civilization all over the world in Acient History, even if they lived in different times, different cultures and different groups, people who didn't even know each other, had all one thing in common: They worshipped a God who looked like a human shaped hybrid reptile. In every country and culture is a reptile found in it's history. The reptile who controles, who is royality, who bends reality and who decieves is shown in sculptures, paintings and other artwork all over the world. The Archons made men out of his image and created hybrid bloodlines. These reptilian bloodlines where the pharao's and the kings and queens of our planet. We call them now: royalties. Even those we know today have the same bloodline.


The Pharao Tutankhamen. Pharao's always had two reptiles on it's head, snakes in this case. The head of the Pharao was made to look like a 'Cobra'.


The Sumerian mother Goddess Nammu ("Snake headed Goddess figure"). They found this statue in Sumer now Iraq, where a Reptilian mother breastfeads a human baby. Terracotta, dated to around about 5,000-4,000 BCE. Presently at the Iraq Museum, Baghdad.


Worship of the Nagas. Which is Indian for: Serpent. Worship of the Serpent Children. 


Illuminated golden sculpture from dragon in Phuket, Thailand

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