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The Cult And It's Inner Core

How the Cult's Web Controls Human Society

Human society is not independent and random, rather it is controlled and manipulated by a very disturbed non-human force that exist outside of human perception. This non-human awareness created a pyramid system, an 'hierarchy', that we don't see and which inflicts its will on humanity through the hierarchy that we do see. They are, two realities, but in fact, are the same system but divided into two forms: the seen and unseen. The 'seen' is given labels such as the 'one percent', global elite, the cabal and the establishment. Here we see governments, corporations, media, politics and the bankingsystem. The seen is closely connected to the 'unseen'. The unseen has names as: the hidden hand, the shadow government, the deep state, the New World Order and the Shadow Rulers. 



This Global web with it's spider, we call the Cult and they work from the shadows in the hidden through a global network connected with secret societies and connected groupings. Each 'Strand' in The Web represents a secret society, semi-secret group or organisation in the world of the seen including governments, companies and more. The strands closest to inner core are the most secret societies that exist which almost no one will have ever heard of. Many don't even have names which makes them harder to track and uncover and they have among their membership those initiates deep in the shadows who know exactly what is really going on, why, and to what end. Many of these names will be unknown to the public despite their power to influence events. 


Further out from The Spider, still in the unseen, we have the secret societies that most or many people will have heard of - The Illuminati, The Freemasons, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Opus Dei, the innercircle of the Jesuit Order, the Club of Rome and so many more. 

There is a point in The Web where the hidden meets the seen. In this connection, you find semi-secret groups and organisations that gather together people from American, European and global politics, intelligence, military, business, banking and media to form common policies and approaches to current events and longer term agendas for the world. These 'connected organisations' include a group spawned by a London-based secret society called the 'Round Table' was established by the Rothschild family at the end of the 19th century.

The Round Table created a series of connected organisations and secret groups involved in social issues, which include the following: Royal Institute of International Affairs (also known as Chatham House) in London (1920); Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York (1921); Bilderberg Group (1954); Club of Rome (1968); and the Trilateral Commission (1972). The Rothschild and Rockefeller families were the major force behind their creation together with other connected elite families and they are known by various descriptions including 'nongovernmental discussion groups', 'non-governmental organisations' (NGOs) and the all-encompassing title of 'think tanks'.


The London-based Rothschild Round Table secret society and the network of connected organisations.

So the Spider dictates the policies and direction of the world and these play out through the highest levels of the secret societies into these hidden secret all connected organisations and on into mainstream society where we see apparently random decisions and legislative changes that appear to be made by governments and their agencies, the military, corporations, banks, medicine, Silicon Valley and all the rest. 


In fact, the society-changing decisions are not random. They are connected and globally controlled. They are originally made by The Spider to transform human society through its agents, slaves and puppets, while the overwhelming majority of them have no idea there even is a Spider let alone they are serving it's will. This is possible because of the technique of 'compartmentalisation', which has everything to do with 'knowlegde or 'the need to know' which is the same system employed by secret societies to keep most of their members blind to what the few at the top know.


No matter the organnization, what it may be, government, corporation, university, media etc. (and you will see a compartmentalised pyramid in which a few at the top know what's going on while everyone else is only aware of their particular contribution in compartmentalised isolation from what others are doing. If you make an isolated piece of technology you don't necessarily know what it will be part of once all the other components made elsewhere are fitted together. This is exactly what is happening for decades and people daily contribute to their own and their family's enslavement while having no idea that this is what they are doing. The structure of isolated contributions means that very few are needed to control the actions and direction of giant organisations, multiple actions and global events. 


Each compartmentalised strand in The Web of the Cult, governments and their agencies, corporations, banks, military, intelligence, media are overwhelmingly staffed by those who don't know there is a Web or what their organisation is ultimately being used to achieve. Go deep enough into these hierarchies and you'll reach the point where they attach to The Web or to use another analogy all the pyramids fuse into one global pyramid.


All the major institutions and groups that affect our daily lives connect with the Global Elite, which decides the coordinated policy throughout the pyramid. People in the lower levels of the pyramid (which is the majority) will have no idea what they are really part of.

The Cult dramatically increases the potential for covert coordination between apparently unconnected people and organisations and their hidden connections allow so much to be secretly orchestrated while a totally different cover-story is presented to the public by the elite-owned (and largely clueless) media. For example, people see governments, major corporations, cartels like Big Pharma, Big Biotech, Big Oil, Big Tech and Big Media, world events and political happenings, and they are perceived a certain way. In and of themselves they all appear as individual entities making apparently random decisions made by random individuals; but if you go deep enough or high enough in these organisations they all attach to the same Web and a very different perspective emerges. Internet media near-monopolies like Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, PayPal, Reddit, GoDaddy, Shopify and others become one unit at that level and respond in unison to attack and destroy the Internet presence of alternative information and social media platforms dedicated to free speech. 


How easy it is to have Web-controlled governments, newspapers and Web-funded and manipulated politicans and madia to demand in unison that free speech be deleted from those they want to silence and then Cult  controlled Internet companies to say they are censoring people in response to public opinion and government pressure. The Cult is used to promote giant corporations and limit their tax bills while government agencies that supposed to protect the public from the activities of those corporations are attached to the same Web and so let them get away with it.

The Hybrid Bloodlines

The concept of 'royalty' and 'aristocracy' did not appear out of nowhere. Bloodlines were seeded in the ancient world that believed themselves to be 'bloodlines'of the 'gods'. Hybrids Or 'demigods' of entities in bands of frequency unseen to human sight or what is called 'visible light'. Most people don't realise that the band of frequency that we can see is so tiny that are practially blind!! According to mainstream science the electromagnetic spectrum is 0.005 percent of what exists in the Universe (some say more but not much) and 'visible light', the only frequency band we can see, is a fraction of the 0.005 percent. Everything else we cannot see - the almost entirety of the Universe and all of infinite reality beyond. These 'gods' as they were perceived operate in these unseen realms and some of them comprise The Cult ultimately behind world events and the hierarchical control system in the realm of the seen.


This theme of humans interbreeding with 'gods' is seen all the time and most famously seen with the biblical sons of God who are described as interbreeding with the daughters of men and producing the hybrid Nephilim; but this is not unique to the Bible. The theme can be found in ancient cultures all over the world with the 'gods' referred to as' Archons' (Gnostic), 'Jinn' (Islam and pre-Islam); 'Anunnaki' (Sumer /Babylon); 'Chitauri' (Zulu); and so many more around the world.

'Royal' families have claimed the 'Divine Right to Rule' and this is taken to mean 'Divine' in the meaning of the Christian God. In fact the word 'divine' originates from early Vedic literature in India and their word 'Deva' which meant 'supernatural beings'. 'Divine' Right to Rule becomes the right to rule at the behest of supernatural beings, not the Christian God. This certainly fits with the Old Testament concept given that 'sons of God who interbred with the daughters of men' 12 Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told translated originally as 'sons of the gods' plural. These hybrid 'royal' bloodlines and families saw themselves as special and chosen above the rest of humanity and for thousands of years they were seen in the same way by their 'subjects'. Some shockingly still do. Rule by bloodline became a common method of leadership and dictatorship until humanity began to grow up and demand far more representative government. Some overtly royal families survived - as in Britain where the head of state is bizarrely still decided by who had sex with who and in what order to dictate the line of succession. Why is the present monarch on the British throne and not someone else? The answer is: because of their bloodline. Most of the formerly open royal families and their offshoots around the world rebranded themselves and headed into politics, business, banking and other influential areas of society. Their attire may have changed with the transformation but they still consider themselves special and 'of the gods' which they have worshipped in their rituals since ancient times.

One group of bloodlines very relevant to the world today can be picked up thousands of years ago in Sumer and Babylon, in what today is Iraq, and in the Egypt of the Pharaohs. I have charted their movements and background in other books but basically they eventually headed north into Europe under various names and some established Rome and the Roman Empire which allowed for further infiltration into Britain and northern Europe. This was only one flow of people and their 'royal' leadership, however, and others went north through the Caucasus and into Eastern and Western Europe by various routes. The bloodlines that established Rome would go on to found Christianity as we know it today which was a milder version of the religion their ancestors brought out of Babylon which today's bloodline family elite still follow under what is now called 'Satanism'.

Research has showed that almost all American presidents, execept for a few, are connected to the British Royal family. The hybrid bloodline. The British Royal family are openly proud to say they bloodline related to Vlad the Impaler: He was the prince of Walachia (now in Romania) whose cruel methods of punishing his enemies gained notoriety in 15th-century Europe and who's life is loosely based on the fiction character: Dracula. The British Royal family is proud to be family of Dracula. Vlad was even part of a secret society: The Order Of The Dragon. They are all connected with each other and that is why you see darkness and satanism in every aspect of society. The upper levels of the pyramids all worship this same dark energy with many give different names: Christianity describes this dark entity as 'Satan', Islam refers it to the 'Jinn or Djinn', the Zulu call them 'The Chitauri' and the Gnostics describe this force as 'Archons'. Satanism, religion, the mainstream media, phedophelia and secret societies are heavily connected with each other and worship the Archontic force deep in the hidden.

Project Arch_edited_edited_edited.png

The Cult is connected through everything: politics, phedophilia, religion, media, secret socities, and health. The (death) Cult who is obsessed with fear, anxiety and death and it's inner core of the web or The Spider. The inner structure that allows the Hidden Hand few to control the many. Strands around the Spider are the most exclusive secret societies and further out- still in the hidden - are the secret societies that people will have heard of, but have no idea of their agenda - the inner circles of the Freemasons, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Jesuit Order, and so on. Next are the 'cusp' organisations where the hidden meets the seen and from here the Spider's agenda plays out into mainstream society as 'random' events and decisions. The vast majority of those who actually implement the decisions have no idea there even is a Spider let alone that they are imposing its will.

The Cult and it's strands are all connected with each other and in the end if you go deep enough you will find a very dark, sinister and disturbed energy. This energy exists outside our dimension, so we don't see them, we only see their actions. 

For centuries, there are civilizations and beliefs systems that talk about a 'hidden controller'. Many civilizations all over the world describe this dark force in a different way and with different names. But all over the world are sculptures and art work to be found from Sumer (now Iraq) Egypt, China and Mexico where these creatures are described.

The most famous belief system where the Gnostics. They where not a race but a group of people with a belief system that was called: Gnosticism. It means 'knowledge' in Greek. They believed in a hidden controler, a dark 'ruler' with alien like awareness and forces manipulated human society by creating a simulation, an illusion, full of fear, anxiety and death, to make it a place of 'survival' instead of peace and harmony, for ulimate control over every being on the planet.

The Gnostics where a philosophical and religious movements prominent in the Greco-Roman world in the early Christian era, particularly the 2nd century. Gnosticism was first used by the English poet and philosopher of religion Henry More (1614–87) But the belief system exist for centuries. Many of the so-called gnostic groups are characterized by a mythology that distinguishes between an inferior creator of the world (a demiurge) and a more transcendent god or order of being. 

Where there was first a 'original world' with peace and harmony, was there a Demiurge, from Greek it means "craftsman".  It is a devine God existing in other realms responsible for the creation of the physical 'fake reality universe.' (Which I will explain later in a different part of this site:' Reality - The Holographic Universe'

Alternative Gnostic names for the Demiurge include Yaldabaoth, Yao or Iao, Ialdabaoth and several other variants. The Gnostics often identified the Demiurge with the Hebrew God Yahweh.

The Gnostics conceived the relation of the Demiurge to the Supreme God as one of actual antagonism. The Demiurge thus became the personification of the power of evil, the Satan of Gnosticism, with whom the faithful had to wage war to the end that they might be pleasing to the Good God. 

The Gnostics where constantly prosecuted for there 'knowledge' back in the old days and it was the Catholic church that destroyed them and their writings. And so history was destroyed. The Château de Montségur, is a former fortress near Montségur, a commune in the Ariège department in southern France. Its ruins are the site of a razed stronghold of the Cathars. The Cathars were a part of the Gnostic belief system and was a Christian dualist or Gnostic movement between the 12th and 14th centuries which thrived in Southern Europe, particularly in northern Italy and southern France.  Followers were described as Cathars and referred to themselves as Good Christians, or Gnostics and are now mainly remembered for a prolonged period of religious persecution by the Catholic Church, which did not recognize their unorthodox Christianity. Catharism arrived in Western Europe in the Languedoc region of France in the 11th century. 

Their idea is that of two gods or,  one good and the other evil, was a point of criticism asserted by the Catholic church against Cathar beliefs. The Catholic church asserted this was antithetical to monotheism, a fundamental principle that there is only one God, who created all things visible and invisible. Cathars believed that the good God was the God of the New Testament, creator of the spiritual realm, whereas the evil God was the God of the Old Testament, creator of the physical world whom many Cathars identified as Satan.


The Gnostics where also resposible for the great writings of knowledge in the great libary in Alexiandria, Egypt, that was burned to the ground in several stages by the Romans who where created by the same Cult that invented other simulations, including 9/11, the war on terror and 'covid'. The library in Alexandria, or the 'Museum' was a place of study which included lecture areas, gardens, a zoo, and shrines for each of the nine muses as well as the Library itself. It has been estimated that at one time the Library of Alexandria held over half a million documents from Assyria, Greece, Persia, Egypt, India and many other nations. Over 100 scholars lived at the Museum full time to perform research, write, lecture or translate and copy documents. The library was so large it actually had another branch or "daughter" library at the Temple of Serapis.


The greatest library ever in Alexandria, Egypt, assembled by the great civilizations of the ancient world—containing a vast ocean of knowledge now lost to us forever was destroyed in 48–47 BCE. by the Romans. Julias Ceasar was blamed for the fire(s).


Gnostic Movement existed around c. 2686–2181 BC. Many to this day still have this belief system, myself included.


Gnostics where constantly perscecuted because of their 'knowledge'

The Royal Library was an unfortunate casualty of war. In 48 BCE Julius Caesar became involved in a civil war in Egypt between Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIII. Caesar sided with Cleopatra and was soon besieged by the Ptolemaic forces by land and sea in the great harbour. He realized that his only chance lay in setting fire to the enemy fleet, and it was by that drastic measure that he managed to gain the upper hand. Yet he is remarkably silent regarding the extent of the destruction caused by the fire in the city itself. Subsequent authors, however, provide details of the ensuing destruction. Most explicit is Plutarch, who, after a personal visit to Alexandria, explained that “Caesar was forced to repel the danger by using fire, which spread from the dockyards and destroyed the Great Library.

Unfortunately, the Gnostic worldview has long been misrepresented and distorted. Christian ideologues who condemned Gnostics as heretics destroyed almost all their writings and represented them as world-denying. Everywhere this Gnostic philosophy and movement went on, it was condemned and destroyed by a force representing the Cult. The same Cult that deleted knowledge about it's true nature and about events that happen in the world.  Many thought that all their writings where destroyed, until in 1945 scrolls where accidently found in a sealed jar. These writings where Gnostics writings!! Completely untouched for 1600 years deeply hidden in the sand in Egypt!!  The Nag Hammadi Texts (named after the place it was found) including ancient manuscripts containing over fifty religious and philosophical texts where  ‘secret’ gospels poems and myths attributing to Jesus sayings and beliefs which are very different from the New Testament. A belief system the Church (The Cult) wants to supress and destroy. 

These Gnostic writings, made about 1,500 years ago, of still more ancient manuscripts. The originals themselves had been written in Greek, the language of the New Testament: as Doresse, Puech, and Quispel had recognized, part of one of them had been discovered by archeologists about fifty years earlier. 

About the dating of the manuscripts themselves there is little debate. Examination of the datable papyrus used to thicken the leather bindings, and of the Coptic script, place them c. A.D. 350-400. 

One fifth of the texts are about a force, described as a ruler called: Archon, which means 'Ruler' in Greek. One of the manuscripts is called: The Hypostasis of the Archons (The Reality of the Rulers)

The Gnostics described the Archons in this way: 'The authorities of the darkness": 'Their chief is blind; because of his power and his ignorance and his arrogance he said, with his power, "It is I who am God; there is none apart from me." When he said this, he sinned against the entirety.

The Hypostasis of the Archons proclaims, as its title indicates, the reality of the archontic rulers: far from being merely fictitious, imaginary powers, the archons are all too real. These rulers indeed exist. This is a grim reality for the Christian Gnostics, who define their own spiritual nature in opposition to that of the ruling and enslaving authorities. Yet, as this document promises, the Christian Gnostics can have hope, for their spiritual nature will be more lasting than the archons, and their heavenly destiny will be more glorious. In the end the rulers will perish and the Gnostics will remain and be enlightend.


The Nag Hammadi Texts, bound in leather books, found in 1945, Egypt


Part of the Nag Hammadi Texts

Gnostics had a specific term for our capacity to model reality: Hal. This Coptic word means “simulation.” The Gnostic concept of Hal is close to what we today understand as Virtual Reality. Because the world that we live in is a virtual reality Universe. Another Coptic word, Krog, means “deception”.  Creating a deception in a simulation is what Archons do all the time through centuries. For Gnostics, “the creativity of nature” is a direct expression of live.

With the rise of cybertechnology, the human species is showing a dramatic tendency to lose itself in human-made games, contraptions, and electronic phantoms. This is the realm of Hal, the simulation, THE MATRIX. Is the prison of the mind simulation perception, that decieves us. 

In an intriguing twist, Gnostics associated Hal (simulation) and Krog (deception) with a species of inorganic entities called Archons, mind parasites who take advantage of our simulating tendencies to lure us into an artificial cosmos away from the earth. This topic is totally off limits to Gnostic scholars, who freak at the mention of parapsychology–yet alien intrusion is a primary theme in Gnostic cosmology. The Archon mentality is a form of artificial intelligence, devoid of 'imagination' but able to mimic, replicate, and follow preset routines.


The Archon mentality is not human and is very dark, twisted and very disturbed. This dark awareness and force goes into psychopats who have no emotinal consequenses for their actions, which is what we see most of the time: fear, terror and death. They feed on low energy and people dying. Which relates, a lot to events today: the constant wars, the poverty, terrorism, deadly 'viruses', all created to keep a low, dark dense enery, which Archons need, they feed on humans to survive, that's why the constant need for war, terror and death is for. The word 'Archon' is from Greek archai, and means "origins, beginning things, prior in time."

The term 'Archon' was commonly used for the governor of a province, or, more loosely, any religious or governmental authority. Hence the plural, Archons, is often translated in Gnostic texts as "the Authorities."

The Archons:

  • Alien force that intrudes subliminally upon the human mind and deviates our intelligence away from its proper and sane applications. They make us play out inhumane behavior to weird and violent extremes.

  • Psychotic, narcissistic and prone to lying.

  • Archons are interdimentional inorganic beings, who reign and rule matter. This makes them look godlike to humans, but they are incomplete entities, since they lack human consciousness and experience. They don’t come from any civilization.

  • Archons cannot create out of nothing and can only 'mimic' or 'repeat' what they see and have no imagination.

  • Archons are very good in creating simulations and deceptions.

  • Archons are described als reptilian looking creatures or the 'greys'.

  • The first Archon, who created all others, is called Yaldabaoth (Satan). This “reptilian” leader is aggressive, territorial, and charged with demonic powers.

  • The Archons wish to keep mankind under "the constraint of fear and worry", because they feed from it. Negative emotional energy gives them room to operate. They are psychic parasites capable to mind control on many levels. But they are, and have been without humans, and don’t need us for their survival. The Archons can’t inhabit earth, which is hostile to them. Archons are caught in a delusion they created humans. They have no soul, only a hive like common mind.

  • Gnostic texts describe two kinds of Archons, - hence, the Greys of modern UFO lore - and a reptilian shape shifting type.

Our next part will be about Aliens and Reptilians

Check out our new blog: The Archons & Reptilians (Still under construction)

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